Mikey says "I do like green eggs and ham" on St. Patrick's Day

Big Mike took the boys to Regina Pizzeria to watch March Madness

After refusing to take a nap, Mikey falls asleep in the middle of Wonder Pets

Channy shows off his snake puppet from craft day at the library
Watching morning cartoons

Mikey sips a smoothie at the mall

Another craft day at the library has the boys playing with animals

Lunch at Old School Pizza

The snow this winter only lasted two days, but Mikey made sure to get a couple sledding runs in the back yard

Stopping for a snack in front of the new high school
Never leave home without your sword

Captain Chandler sails the Providence Children's Museum seas

Channy gives Mikey a push around the yard

The boys explore the new playground at the preschool they'll attend next year

Are those triplets? Or is it just Grandpa?

Mikey hides under the big globe at Babson College

The boys tried to push the globe off its stand, but couldn't manage

Shopping for trashy novels

Playing at the castle playground

Captain Grandad Hook reads the boys a story

The boys were ready to root for the Patriots during the Super Bowl

Channy cheers with his football balloon

Mikey didn't want to get his hopes up

Chief Chandler and his "indian headdress"

Walking through the woods

A pretty pathetic snowman, but this was all we could do with this year's snowfall

The boys take over Mommy and Daddy's bed

Dinner by Daddy was a hit!

Channy even ate all his veggies!

Another craft day at the library had Channy playing King Snowflake

Here the boys create their crowns

Big Mike and the boys visit Wahlburgers, a new restaurant opened by Mark and Donnie

Lions fans crawling out of their toy box

Visiting the JFK Library on Big Mike's birthday

Another trip to the Boston Children's Museum to get a closer look at bugs

Mikey tried his hand at Great Grandpa Licata's trade ... if he could only turn the bottle around!

Christmas Eve, the Licata's hang their stockings by the chimney with care

Great Grandma, Nani, visited the boys over Christmas!

Grandma teaches Mikey how to make Christmas cookies

These elves unwrap Hershey's kisses for the first batch of Christmas cookies
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