Friday, May 31, 2019

MAY 26, 2019
The boys turn 10!

Invitation to a "grand slam" party!

There were a couple of new additions to the family photo this year ... 
baby cousin Zara, and Wally the Green Monster!

One of the boys' favorites ... Willie Mays makes the catch

Chan and Mikey test the inflatable T-ball game

The warehouse at Oriole Park

Fiona helps with the activity tables in front of the Green Monster and Citgo sign

Wrigley Field and Comerica Park

Birds-eye view

Wally helps the kids with their sand art

Wally gives T-ball a try

Party scene

World Series cake!

All the pals

Fiona and her friends

Speed pitching in the back

Signs from all over Major League Baseball

The weather couldn't have been better

Cousin B.B. as The Bambino

Win Twins!

Who wants some cake?

Making their wishes

A special appearance from Sam's Hot Dogs 
... along with three old guys who helped move the cart

Wally plays a game of baseball corn hole

Bernie the brewer and his slide

Trying on Wally's hat

These twins are getting too tall!

Mikey and Chan enjoying a moment at the end of the party