Thursday, May 28, 2015

MAY 28, 2015

The Twins Turn 6!

Check out our videos from the party at:

Family came from around the world to celebrate another twin birthday!

Jabba and R2D2 welcomed everyone

The Millennium Falcon House

AT-AT Walker looming over the party

The Death Star Garage

Chandler hopped right into his ship ... Just like Luke Skywalker would

Aunt Julie (Slave Princess Leia) and Granny (Ewok)

There were plenty of Star Wars fans to help celebrate (Mikey in blue)

The Rancor Pit 

Frozen Han Solo

Mikey talks strategy with the other characters

Fiona takes a snack break

Real Jedi Knights came to teach the kids how to use lightsabers

Mikey and Chandler invented their own moves

Training in progress

There was a disturbance in the force ... Darth Vader showed up!

Everyone got a chance to fight Darth ... here's Chandler

Darth teaches his best moves

Chandler takes another swing

Double lightsaber action for Chandler

Jedi tug-of-war

The Star Wars family

Later, even Chewbacca made a visit

The twins make a wish

Chandler gets back to training

Mikey did too

Mikey tries to win the tug-of-war

Enjoying the cake!