Tuesday, February 16, 2010

FEBRUARY 16, 2010
Chandler is ready for the Winter Olympics!

Valentine's Day with Ernie and Bert

Chandler carefully tries to get cereal in his mouth

Mikey was a little less careful

Mikey admires Channy's socks

The boys fighting over their microphone

A rare moment when Mikey sits still

Chandler loves to give high-fives

Mikey is ready for some mischief

His side-kick isn't too far behind

Monday, February 1, 2010

FEBRUARY 1, 2010
8 months old!

The boys have learned to pull themselves up (Chandler on the left)...

... and they're doing it everywhere! (Mikey on the left)

Now the problem is they don't know how to get down!

Wrestling in the play room

Mike teaches the boys how to shovel

Hangin' with Mommy in the play room

Mikey sucking on a slice of apple

Chandler doing the same

Chandler cleans his plate

Waiting in the kitchen for breakfast (Mikey on the left)

Chandler gives the camera his signature smile with Uncle Jamie and Mommy

Chandler thinks he's going to have a better shot at American Idol after Simon quits