Friday, May 29, 2009

MAY 29, 2009

Uncle Jamie meets his nephew

Mike burping Mikey

(Don't worry I wash this shirt every night when I go home)

Profiles of the two boys (Chandler in front)

Chandler and Mikey sleeping on a pillow

Holding hands

Mikey grabbing Mike's finger

Another shot of the two boys

Chandler sleeping with a Ding Dong box

Thursday, May 28, 2009

MAY 28, 2009Mikey holding his pacifier
Mikey joins us in the room

The boys are together again! (Mikey - Left; Chandler - Right)

Sharing a crib in our room

Close-up of Mikey on day three

Both boys join us in the room!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

MAY 27, 2009
Chandler Sleeping on Day two ... no tubes!

Another Chandler close-up shot

Mikey on his stomach

Liz giving the pacifier to Mikey

Chandler all swaddled and resting

Mikey gets ready for his first bath

Bathing Mikey

Mikey is cleaned up and feeling good

The first diaper change for both Mikeys

Mommy finally gets to hold Mikey

Liz and Mikey

Liz and Mikey again
Chandler just chillin'

MAY 26, 2009 Liz, Mike, and little Mikey on the operating table.

Liz and Chandler on the operating table

Chandler had to be restrained from pulling his tube off