Monday, May 30, 2011

MAY 30, 2011


The whole family turned out in their Toy Story shirts!

The claw hangs over the entrance to the party

Decorating before the party begins

Chandler in his Buzz wings and Mikey in his Woody hat at the top of our hill

Howdy partner!


Barrel of Monkeys hung from the roof

The boys gift was a bouncing horse. They, of course, named him Bullseye.

Buzz and Woody standing in front of Al's Toy Barn

Buzz gets ready to take off

Woody rides like the wind

View from the top of the hill

The real Buzz showed up!

Chandler bust through the crowd and said "Hi Buzz"

The boys were in disbelief that Buzz was at their house

Chandler looks on and says "And Beyond!"

Mikey dances with Buzz

Chandler didn't care for his party hat

Buzz helps sing Happy Birthday to the boys

Hanging out with cousin Gennaro

Mikey takes off with Jessie's hat

Chandler eventually got his turn

Chandler plays giant bowling and tries to knock down the pins at the bottom of the hill

The kids play with Buzz

The Licata family

1 comment:

  1. liz!!! you are an amazing party planner!!! i love it!!!
