SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2011

New haircuts! (Mikey in blue)

Napping in the same crib (Chandler on the left)

Sitting on the curb watching the Boston Marathon with Mommy

Dad had to stop the boys from mimicking the marathon runners

Pooped after all that running

The boys took Liz to the Biltmore for Mother's Day

Trying clothes on the goose statue

Decorating cookies with Grandma in the backyard

Mmmm ... Chandler takes a bite out of his cookie!

Stanley Cup Playoff time. Mikey says the Red Wings are #1

It didn't take long for the boys to start saying "hockey shirt"

Too bad all the games started too late for the boys to watch!

Playing with their slide in the backyard

Mikey gives Chandler a push

These Palace Guards get ready for the Royal Wedding

The only problem was that they couldn't stand still

Waiting outside church on Easter Sunday

Mikey with Woody's hat

Dying eggs before Easter Sunday

Chandler places a sticker on his egg

Mikey takes time to choose his decorations