JUNE 2, 2010

The whole family made the trip to Boston to celebrate with the boys!

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?

Party central

Oscar the Grouch

Getting everything in order before the guests arrive

Mikey was Bert

Chandler was Ernie

The way Mikey ate his first piece of cake he should've been Cookie monster.

Mikey with Aunt Julie (Snuffleupagus)

Mike's childhood friends Oriana and Tara even made the party!

Chandler burns off his cake calories.

The Licata Family

Party hats for everyone!
Great Aunt Suzanne teaching Mikey how to dunk the ball.

Before the party we visited the Jim Henson's Fantastic World exhibit in Lexington, MA.

The boys couldn't get enough of "Buh" and "HeeHee"

Chandler was still talking about it at lunch after the museum visit.

Sharing a swing in the park during birthday weekend. (Chandler Left)
For more of the boys birthday fun, check out three of our videos on YouTube:
1. Baby Cakes
2. Party Decor 1
3. Party Decor 2
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