DECEMBER 2, 2009

Six months old now and getting too big for the same crib

Mikey practices his yoga pose

The boys are finally big enough for the new stroller!

Chandler prepares for book club

We made the 12 hour drive to Michigan for Thanksgiving, so the boys wore their MSU uniforms

Mikey meets Great-Grandma Licata for the first time!

Visiting the extended family ... here with Uncle Joe, Aunt Antoinette, and Great-Grandma

Chandler gets bundled up for the cold Detroit weather

Both boys going for a walk through Daddy's old stomping grounds

Big Mike and Chan just relaxing

The boys in their Thanksgiving pajamas (Chandler on the left)

Thanksgiving with Uncle Chan

Mike's childhood friend Aaron stopped by to meet the boys

Trying out their new sleepwear from Great-Grandma Licata (Mikey on the left)

Working together to figure out their new telephone toy
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