AUGUST 25, 2009
The boys make their first trip up to Maine for Lobster ... here at the Chauncey Creek Lobster Pier with friends, they were the talk of the pier

They're growing into their baseball uniforms without the help of steroids

Mikey peeking under the shade of his car seat

Chandler gives his lamb a hug

Chandler learning to sit upright

The Licata Family gets ready to watch the Sox game

Shannon and Terri made the trip up from New York to get a live "peek"

If you can tell who's who in this shot, you're getting pretty good
(Chandler - left)

Chandler models his new threads from Yellowstone Nat'l Park, a gift from Granny

The original twin (Tara) stops by to share smiles with Chandler
The Red Sox Uniforms MUST go.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!